It’s that time again! LRC is back with it’s 9th year and it’s BIGGER THAN EVER. April 7th!

Come witness the debut of 10 brand new bands after an amazing weekend of learning, loving, and growing. It’s sure to be a show that you don’t want to miss!

ONCE Somerville
156 Highland Ave
Doors @ 8:00pm
Show Starts @ 8:30pm
$15 in advance
$17 at the door
Showcase Sponsored by Tito’s Handmade Vodka
All proceeds go to support Girls Rock Campaign Boston programming!

Ladies Rock Camp Boston (LRCB) is an intensive 3-day-weekend program that is redefining the term lady by creating an environment that is the antithesis of what we have been told it means to be behave as one. Participants learn an instrument, form a band and create music together while supporting a great cause…raising money for Girls Rock Campaign Boston programming!