Statement from Board of Directors

Dear Community and Supporters,

It’s come to the attention of the organization that the spouse of GRCB’s Program Director has been accused of sexual harassment by an adult volunteer. While the alleged harassment did not take place during or related to a GRCB event, we take this disclosure very seriously and will be taking appropriate action to ensure the ongoing safety and well-being of our volunteers and participants. The person in question is no longer involved in any capacity with this organization.

We will identify and retain an independent investigator to launch an investigation into volunteer conduct both related to and outside the scope of this incident. For the duration of the investigation, our Program Director has chosen to go on paid administrative leave in order to ensure the investigation remains unbiased. We will update the GRCB community when the investigation begins.

We will also be updating GRCB’s volunteer policies and training practices to ensure safety of volunteers and participants going forward. Finally, we will work with the person who made the allegations to seek a restorative process with an outside facilitator, if that is something that they want. We are doing our best to move forward with intention and care to ensure that this matter is addressed in a way that centers the needs and safety of our broader community.

If you have questions or concerns, please direct them to 


Board of Directors 

Girls Rock Campaign Boston